ARRI LMB 4×5 Mattebox: from clip-on to 19mm / 15mm rod mounted swing-away studio configurations, all in one lightweight mattebox. Up to three 4″ x 5.65″ filters (with the 3rd filter stage) + one round 138mm filter can be used.
Choose Reduction Ring and / or Clamp Adapter (if needed) below.
Following accessories included with the LMB 4×5:
-2-stage adapters + 2x filter holder 4×5.65
-3rd Filter Stage & filter holder 4×5.65
-3rd Rotatable Filter Stage & filter holder 4×5.65
-1x Top / bottom flag, 2x side flag
-LMB25/4×5/MB19 Spherical Lens mask set (5 pcs)
-LMB25/4×5/MB19 Anamorphic Lens mask set (5 pcs)
-Swing Away Tilt Module
-19mm Studio Rod Adapter & 15mm LWS Console
-143mm Clamp Adapter & R2 138mm filter ring Ø 114mm
-Tilt and Flex Adapter w/ Rubber Donut
-Accessory Adapter for UDM-1